28 results have been found
Quick Start - Street Forecast API
With the Street Forecast service you can get forecast measurements of different dimensions of the traffic network. Follow the steps on this page to get started with Street Forecast API. … API endpoint You can use this endpoint to get the speed forecast …
Quick Start - KPI API
The KPI service allows you to define several measurements to assess real-time characteristics of the traffic network. More specifically, you can handle: The current KPI value Partial KPI values on specific links of the corridor Follow the steps on this …
API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "Accessibility Score API", "description": "Scores service", "version": "1.0.0" }, "paths": { "/pois-batch/{dataPackageId}": { "post": { "tags": [ "Batches Of Scores And Pois" ], "summary": "Create a batch of scores …
API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "Traffic Volumes", "description": "Traffic Volume Data", "version": "1.0.0" }, "paths": { "/{dataPackageId}/attributes/{latitude}/{longitude}/{buffer}": { "get": { "tags": [ "Attribute" ], "summary": "Retrieve tile …
Use Case
How to create alerts associated with a KPI value The use case is focused on the creation of alerts associated with KPI values. The KPI values can be compared with two different thresholds identifying a WARNING level (YELLOW) and a CRITICAL level (RED). …
Use Case
How to show the travel times forecast at +30 minutes The use case reflects the common need of a system integrator that must show of forecast results at +30 minutes on the GUI the layer. GET https://ptvgroup.tech/mlf/v1/forecast/realtime The result is an …
Use Case
How to get a KPI for a corridor over a specific time range The use case is focused on getting KPI data on a specific corridor, over a specific time range, to analyse performance metrics and understand trends and patterns over specific time periods. First …
Use Case
How to get a specific day and hour for the entire network (snapshot in the past) The use case is focused on getting the measured speed and flow data for the entire network at a specific date and time in the past. You can therefore understand what happened …
Use Case
How to get a specific data time series for a specific network element The use case is focused on getting a speed time series for a single network segment, over a specific time range. This endpoint can be used to monitor the performance on that segment to …
Guide to Historical Data Analysis
The Historical Data Analysis (HDA) module stores traffic speed data for further offline analysis. HDA APIs allow you to set different strategies in re-using Flows data. You can manage these use cases as follows: Historical Data Analysis: By storing …
API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.3", "info": { "title": "PTV Flows Network API", "description": "The PTV Flows Network API provides the network data of your product instance.", "version": "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT" }, "tags": [ { "name": "Network" }, { "name": "Tile" }, { "name": …
Guide to Network API
Network API module provides the network data associated to your product instance. … Guide to Network API …
API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.3", "info": { "title": "PTV Flows historical data API", "description": "The PTV Flows Historical Data API provides the historical data of your product instance", "termsOfService": "https://ptvgroup.com/terms/", "license": { "name": …
Flows API
Introduction PTV Flows allows traffic operators to effortlessly monitor and predict traffic in real-time, optimizing traffic management without extensive resources. PTV Flows provides embedded functionalities such as: Automatic map matching of Floating …
API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "Machine Learning Forecast", "description": "Public access to obtain real-time forecasted traffic data produced by PTV Flows", "version": "1.0.0" }, "servers": [ { "url": "https://api.ptvgroup.tech/mlf/v1" } ], …
API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "PTV Flows KPI engine API", "description": "", "termsOfService": "https://ptvgroup.com/terms/", "license": { "name": "Apache 2.0", "url": "https://ptvgroup.com" }, "version": "1.0.0" }, "servers": [ { "url": …
Guide to Traffic volumes API
The PTV traffic volume API provides traffic volumes for various time periods and vehicle segments for a specific location (x,y coordinate) and a buffer around the location in Germany and France. All traffic volumes are available for the following vehicle …
Guide to Accessibility scores API
The PTV Accessibility API Score provides the accessibility score for a specific location (x,y coordinate) for the modes walking, cycling, public transport and car regarding various facility segments such as supermarkets, schools, restaurants, etc. The …
Guide to Street Forecast API
Street Forecast APIs allows to get forecast measurements of different dimensions of the traffic network. … Guide to Street Forecast …
Relevant Terms
KPI instance A KPI instance is described by a set of attributes: KPI identifier: unique alphanumeric string associated to a KPI instance. Example: "kpiId" : "a5c22445-8592-430b-b36b-01d265a996d0" KPI name: string associated with a KPI instance. KPI …
OpenLR™ is a standard used to handle map locations. It is designed to transfer location information between different traffic management systems using dissimilar maps. The encoded locations are typically specific road stretches, lists of connected roads, …
Guide to KPI API
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to assess, monitor, predict, and give alerts on specific corridors based on different characteristics of the traffic. … Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to assess different characteristics of the …
OpenLR™ is a standard for handling map locations. It is designed to transfer location information between different traffic management systems, using dissimilar maps. The encoded locations are typically specific road stretches, lists of connected roads, …
Here you find the main concepts that you need to know for using Street Forecast API. … Concepts …
Relevant Terms
Fromnode It's the starting point of a street. Street A street is a segment of a road, or of an avenue, or of an highway, etc. It is uniquely identified by the starting node ( fromnode ) and the street identifier ( streetIdno ). A generic set of streets …