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Access API

PTV Access is the new data platform from PTV GmbH.   Through this platform, PTV offers powerful APIs that provide location-based mobility data. The mobility data is generated by PTV using Model2Go technology. In this process, data from different providers or sources is merged with automatically generated transport models.

Typical markets for mobility data include urban and traffic planning, as well as markets where location information is required for decision making.

With the Model2Go technology to generate multimodal supply and demand transport models, PTV is able to generate different types of mobility data worldwide.

The first two APIs on PTV Access are: 


The PTV Accessibility Score API is aimed at real estate platforms and travel booking platforms and provides important information about the location of locations.  

The PTV Traffic Volume API is aimed at city/traffic planners as well as retail and advertising industries and provides data on traffic volume at a location. 

More APIs will follow.