OpenLR™ is a standard for handling map locations.

It is designed to transfer location information between different traffic management systems, using dissimilar maps. The encoded locations are typically specific road stretches, lists of connected roads, point locations or areas.
OpenLR™ allows users to read data from Flows without knowing the internal network representation used by Flows.
In the Street Forecast API context, a forecast result is labeled with an OpenLR code for every single street of the network.
streetForecast {
id: 52920
fromNode: 894
forecast {
start {
seconds: 1700831364
end {
seconds: 1700831400
speed_valid: true
speed: 83.110725402832031
timezone: "UTC"
forecast {
start {
seconds: 1700831400
end {
seconds: 1700832000
speed_valid: true
speed: 83.88555908203125
timezone: "UTC"
forecast {
start {
seconds: 1700832000
end {
seconds: 1700832600
speed_valid: true
speed: 85.318397521972656
timezone: "UTC"
forecast {
start {
seconds: 1700832600
end {
seconds: 1700833200
speed_valid: true
speed: 85.942306518554688
timezone: "UTC"
openLRcode: "CwlJ3yeJ8AEWc+kX8dgBbOcS"
As you can see, in the example there is a street identified by:
- id: 52920
- fromNode: 894
...and labeled with OpenLRcode CwlJ3yeJ8AEWc+kX8dgBbOcS.